Step-by-step guide to ESG data collection

August 5, 2024
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ESG reporting is no longer a regulatory concern alone. It is indicative of a company's dedication to sustainable and ethical practices.

This guide aims to equip sustainability professionals with strategies for effective ESG data collection, essential for crafting insightful and credible ESG reports.

What is ESG reporting

ESG reporting entails detailed disclosure of a company's environmental footprint, social contributions, and governance ethics.

It is guided by standards like the GRI, SASB, and TCFD. The usage of these frameworks is key to effective reporting, alongside regulatory reporting obligations.

How to prepare for ESG data collection

ESG data collection begins with identifying the data relevant to your organisation through an internal review of strategy, operations and value chain.

In the entire process, engaging with stakeholders is key - to respond to their concerns and manage expectations in terms of scope of reporting.

Tips for effective data collection:

  • Leverage technology: embrace data collection and management systems that can handle diverse data types and sources, ensure efficient aggregation, analysis and accuracy.
  • Regular training: implement ongoing training programs for employees to understand the importance and methodologies of accurate data reporting
  • Clear protocols: establish uniform guidelines and protocols for data collection to maintain consistency and reliability across departments. This should include standardised forms, consistent data entry methods, and regular checks to ensure adherence to these protocols.

Collecting environmental data

Environmental data on greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, and resource usage, is central to ESG reporting. A key challenge is ensuring data reliability and uniformity.

Tips for effective environmental data collection:

  • Use IoT sensors: deploy IoT sensors and automated tools for real-time monitoring of environmental metrics. These technologies provide accurate and timely data, essential for robust environmental reporting.
  • Engage with suppliers: foster strong collaborations with suppliers to ensure they provide precise and timely environmental data. This could include regular supplier assessments and integrating supplier data into the company's overall environmental data framework.
  • Regular audits: implement a schedule of environmental audits to validate data accuracy and identify areas of improvement. These audits should be comprehensive, covering all aspects of environmental data collection and reporting.


Gathering social data

Social data involves metrics related to workforce diversity, labour practices, and community engagement. Challenges include maintaining data privacy and mitigating reporting biases.

Tips for effective social data collection:

  • Anonymous surveys: use anonymous surveys to gather genuine and unbiased feedback from employees and other stakeholders.
  • Community engagement: actively engage to gather comprehensive data on the company's social impact. This should include community feedback sessions and collaborative projects with local organisations.
  • Cross-verification: employ multiple data sources for cross-verification to minimise biases. This could involve comparing internal survey results with external reports and studies to ensure a balanced view of social performance.

Managing governance data

Governance data focuses on internal controls, ethical compliance, and corporate governance structures. The challenge lies in navigating complex legal frameworks while ensuring transparency.

Tips for effective governance data collection:

  • Document management systems: use advanced systems for tracking and managing governance-related documents. This ensures that all governance information is easily accessible and up-to-date.
  • Compliance training: conduct regular training sessions on compliance and ethical standards for employees, especially those in decision-making positions. This helps in maintaining a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour across the organisation.
  • Independent audits: engage with independent auditors to validate governance practices and credibility of data collected or reported.

Data verification and reporting

The accuracy and reliability of ESG data are crucial. Implement verification processes to ensure data integrity. Selecting an appropriate reporting framework aligned with organisational goals is also important.

Tips for effective data verification and reporting:

  • Dedicated verification teams: establish specialised teams for data verification and quality control of the data collected.
  • Transparent reporting: create reports that are not just data-driven but also transparent about their methodologies and challenges faced during data collection. This includes disclosing the sources of data and any assumptions made during analysis.
  • Stakeholder feedback: actively seek and incorporate feedback from stakeholders in the reporting process to improve the quality and relevance of ESG reports.


Effective ESG data collection is the cornerstone of impactful ESG reporting. It requires detailed planning, stakeholder engagement, and a commitment to transparency and accuracy.

These strategies guide your organisations towards sustainable growth and elevated corporate responsibility.

Using a digital software for ESG data management can streamline this process, and help you to accurately, efficiently, and transparently track, collect and report environmental, social, and governance metrics.

Try Apiday and discover how our AI-powered ESG software can help you save time and improve your performance!

Step-by-step guide to ESG data collection

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to extract ESG data?
What are the best sources of ESG data?
Where can I find ESG information?
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