The fast, trusted way to comply with SFDR

Apiday assists VC and PE firms in complying with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - guiding them through the compliance process, gathering portfolio data, and automating the creation of disclosures and PAI statements. Achieve full compliance seamlessly with everything you need on a single platform.

Save time and money by getting on top of new regulatory reporting requirements in weeks, not months

From early-stage VCs to large cap private equity, Apiday helps all investors pick the compliance track that best suits them, gathers all the data needed to prepare disclosure reports, and ensures full compliance with SFDR.


Gauge your compliance readiness in minutes

Depending on how embedded ESG and sustainability are in your investment processes, SFDR disclosure requirements can vary significantly. Apiday helps you navigate this complex regulation and identify all the relevant disclosures for each fund.


Get all the help you need

No need to spend months trying to figure out how to prep your SFDR disclosures or hire expensive lawyers to perform a compliance assessment: Apiday tells you exactly which questions to answer, and how to best answer them. And our SFDR experts are just a click away.


Make regulatory reporting easy, forever

Track your overall progress towards SFDR compliance in one place to get an up-to-date view of your different disclosures. Haven’t yet formalised the required policies? Apiday has dynamic templates adapted to your specific fund situation

Explore how Apiday simplified SFDR compliance for Extantia

Extantia leveraged Apiday to navigate SFDR compliance, spending 20% less time on reporting and achieving a 96% campaign response rate.

“Apiday is a lot more than just a data management software. With an extremely knowledgeable ESG team, Apiday is dedicated to supporting young companies on their sustainability journey.”
Tess Dury,
Head of ESG, Extantia

Frequently Asked Questions

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Please reach out to us here

Do I still need to hire lawyers or consultants - or can we just use Apiday?
Which disclosures does Apiday give me?
How long does the process take?