Empowering sustainable solutions together

Join Apiday’s Partner Programme to drive sustainability, enhance your business growth, and deliver cutting-edge ESG solutions through innovative technology and expert support.

Magic wand

Bring innovation & expertise to clients

Enhance your CSRD proposition with our AI-driven platform and best-in-class ESG software expertise

Tree icon

Develop your CSRD offering

Leverage Apiday’s network to identify new clients and develop comprehensive offers alongside us

Productivity icon with cog and arrows

Drive productivity and internal efficiency

Remove manual work to focus on added-value services to your clients


Integrate Apiday in your CSRD offering to automate data collection

Drive the implementation of Apiday while benefiting from our free certification process and ongoing training. With an official Apiday certification, you will also appear in our partner directory.


Offer more value to your clients

Integrate Apiday with your product via API to offer a comprehensive ESG experience. Create direct value add for your customers, expand your product portfolio, and become part of the Apiday community.

Ready to join our partner program?

Help your clients take advantage of ESG regulations!

Partnership diagram

Let’s book a first call

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3 simple steps to initiate a collaboration with Apiday:

Introduction call

45 mins together to discuss your objectives and see how Apiday can be integrated in your strategy

Explore the product and discover our vision

See a demo or access a pilot account to see our powerful ESG platform yourself

Engage with the partnership

Discuss partnership terms and build a success plan for your company

Founded in 2021, Apiday supports over 2,000 companies globally advance sustainability reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

Couldn’t find what you were looking for?
Please reach out to us here

What types of companies use Apiday for CSRD?
How long does CSRD take with Apiday?
How does Apiday support the CSRD audit?
What level of support do I get from ESG experts?